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Mass Effect 2 Hair

The Mass Effect Legendary Edition trailer already seems to confirm that hair will not be among the major graphical upgrades taking place in the remaster. The shot of Miranda Lawson shows her hair rendered very similarly to her appearances in Mass Effect 2 and 3, largely as a single block with a few strands around the edges to create the illusion of individual hairs. For fans of the franchise, this probably isn't a game-changer, but for anyone hoping to give their Shepard some luxurious locks, it doesn't seem to be in the cards.

mass effect 2 hair

From: j0ck33 #021I know that Jentha has that hairstyle, she's Tarak's minion and you can talk to her before going to Garrus.Also the woman that tries to get into the quarantine section has it and I guess the murdered girl in Samara's loyalty mission.

I've not been paying enough attention, but I don't remember the Facebook vote for what the Female Shepard should look like being in multiple stages. Perhaps it always was, or perhaps it was a reaction to the phenomenon of this article by Kim Richards, but either way the process is now extended to include a choice for Shepard's hair colour. Yes, it really has come to this. It's interesting to note that the blonde hair that was thought to have motivated much of the first round win is currently very far behind. I'm very pleased to report that red hair is currently far ahead, with black hair in second place, far ahead of blonde and brown. (Now I'm just going to build a fort around me to protect myself from my blonde fiancée.)

Asari resemble humans in terms of basic skeletal structure with five digits on each hand and feet that are relatively straight (certainly in comparison to species like quarians and turians). This similarity allows asari to wear human armor. A typical asari has a blue to purple complexion, though a teal complexion is possible albeit seemingly rare. Some asari, such as Matriarch Lidanya, Matriarch Benezia, Liara T'Soni, and Tela Vasir have facial markings, which are unique colored patterns that vary for every asari. Some of these facial markings resemble the eyebrows that humans have, but the asari do not think of the markings as such themselves. In the place of head hair, asari possess semi-flexible, cartilage-based scalp-crests that grow into shape. These structures are rigid, and do not "flop around" as some believe. Asari have navels as well as breasts that continue to grow with age. Asari also have a robust cellular regenerative system; while they do not heal faster than other species, they are known to reach over 1000 years of age. This long lifespan is rivaled only by the krogan. Asari can see ultraviolet at the short-wavelength end of the spectrum. Asari blood is purple.

The asari were the first contemporary race to achieve spaceflight and discover the mass relay network. When they found the Citadel in 580 BCE, the asari also encountered the keepers, whose mute assistance enabled them to quickly settle on the station and learn how to operate its systems. Sixty years later, the salarians made first contact with the asari, and together the two species agreed to found the Citadel Council in 500 BCE, a galactic governing body that would come to unite dozens of races. In later years, the asari continued to explore the galaxy and welcomed several other races to the burgeoning galactic community.

Weapons developed by the asari include the Acolyte heavy pistol and Disciple shotgun. The Acolyte excels at stripping enemy shields and barriers, but is less effective against armor; the shooter's biotics are expected to make up for that shortcoming. The Disciple uses shells packed with microscale submunitions to deal staggering amounts of damage, stunning even shielded enemies. The asari military also fields the A-61 Mantis Gunship.

While the original buns are low-quality tangles of unkempt hair with a pretty strange hairline, these textures by user LiasFfalenn look like FemShep actually took the time to brush that hair before tying it up in a bun.

The cell membrane complex (CMC) is intercellular matter. CMC consists of cell membranes and adhesive material (cement) binding the cell membranes between two cuticle cells, two cortical cells and cuticle-cortex cells. The most important layer of the CMC is called the beta-layer, and it is considered to be the intercellular cement and it is sandwiched by other layers from each cell. The CMC and the endocuticle are very vulnerable regions to the chemical treatments such as bleaching, dyeing and hair straightening/perm procedures. Also, the everyday grooming and shampooing friction may disrupt the CMC.[3,4,5]

CMC fractures may be seen before the hair fiber is ruptured. The exposure to repeated rough washing, unprotected drying, friction actions, sunlight and alkaline chemical treatments lead to a decrease in the lipid content of the cell surface changing it from the state of hydrophobicity to a more hydrophilic, negatively charged surface.[3,4,5,6]

Conditions that are mostly affected by the use of aggressive shampoos are: Difficulty in untangling the strands, and the frizz effect. Attrition, the main cause of frizz, can be minimized by adequate formulation of cleaning products. On the other hand, if the shampoo formulas do not present the adequate composition, fiber attrition is aggravated.[10,16]

It is common to use cationic ingredients in many shampoos' formulations with anionic surfactants in order to result in charge neutralization forming a cationic-anionic complex, a neutral hydrophobic ingredient. Therefore, we can understand that the interaction between the ingredients is more important than the ingredient alone, as we are led to believe by the media. It is very common to think that a new release product that contains a certain ingredient has the magic ability to transform dull hair into shiny and smooth hair. Most of the time, the major ingredients do not change, and sometimes the capacity of the ingredients to interact inside the shampoo's or conditioner's chassis or system is what makes the product acts better. Bleached and chemical treated hair have a higher affinity to conditioning ingredients because they have a low isoelectric point (higher concentration of negative sites) and are more porous than virgin hair.[5,20]

Dimethicone is the most widely used silicone in hair care industry, and entropy is important for its adsorption to the hair surface. Dimethicone is the main ingredient of the two-in-one shampoos. Others are: Aminosilicones, siloxysilicates, anionic silicones and others. They differ on deposition and solubility in a water medium, therefore acting differently on the hair. Some silicones can even enhance the shine of hair fiber by reflecting the light. Dimethicone has the effect of protecting the hair shaft from abrasive actions while siloxysilicates increase hair body.[5,21,22,23]

Polysiloxane polymers may re-cement lifted cuticle scales and prevent damage from heat. Amino functional silicones are cationic substances but not necessarily are more substantive to the hair than dimethicone, depending on the size of the molecule and the charge of the system. Dimethicones are hydrophobic, so they adsorb better on virgin hair and root rather than tips. To enhance the deposition of dimethicone on chemical treated and damaged hair the products use cationic bridging agents which act increasing affinity between hair and the silicone.[4,5,12,24,23]

Other polymers are the polypeptides and proteins for they are very substantive to the hair for having many ionic and polar sites for bonding and are large molecules to attach to the hair surface (van der Walls force). Small molecules can even diffuse into hair (

Oils play an important role in protecting hair from damage. Some oils can penetrate the hair and reduce the amount of water absorbed in the hair, leading to a lowering of swelling.[26] This can result in lower hygral fatigue (repeated swelling and drying), a factor that can damage hair. The oil can fill the gap between the cuticle cells and prevent the penetration of the aggressive substances such as surfactants into the follicle. Applying oil on a regular basis can enhance lubrication of the shaft and help prevent hair breakage. Rele and Mohile in 2003, studied the properties of mineral oil, coconut oil and sunflower oil on hair.[27] Among three oils, coconut oil was the only oil found to reduce the protein loss for both undamaged and damaged hair when used as a prewash and postwash grooming product. Both sunflower and mineral oils do not help in reducing the protein loss from hair. This difference in results could arise from the composition of each of these oils. Coconut oil, being a triglyceride of lauric acid (principal fatty acid), has a high affinity for hair proteins and because of its low molecular weight and straight linear chain, is able to penetrate inside the hair shaft. Mineral oil, a hydrocarbon, does not penetrate. Sunflower oil is a triglyceride of linoleic acid with a bulky structure and double bonds and has limited penetration to the fiber, not reaching the cortex. The mineral oil and the sunflower oil may have a film effect and adsorb to the surface of the cuticle enhancing shine and diminishing friction and for these, avoid hair damage.[22]

Keis et al. in 2005 studied the effect of coconut oil, olive oil, sunflower oil and mineral oil on the hair.[28] Except for mineral oil, heat decreased the capillary adhesion of the other oils, resulting from the penetration into the hair fiber by diffusion, leaving a thin film on the surface. Although thick films of oil can mask the lifted scales of the cuticle, it may leave an oily and heavy look to the hair. It is preferred to reapply oils that leave a thin layer on the surface and are well absorbed by the fiber. In 2009, the Brazilian oils and butters were studied by Fregonesi et al.[29] They analyzed the following substances: Passion fruit seed (77% linoleic acid), Brazilian nut (38% oleic acid and 35% linoleic acid), palm olein (47% oleic acid), buriti (79% oleic acid), palm stearin (42% palmitic acid and 41% oleic acid), tucumã (48% lauric acid and 27% myristic acid), ucuúba (75% myristic acid), sapucainha (47% chaulmoogric acid, 27% hydnocarpic and 19 gorlic acid). Oil treatment reduced the combing force percentage for wet conditions. However, the hair treated with butters showed poor combing. Treatments using oils reduced the formation of split ends in the hair. Tresses treated with Brazilian nut and mineral oils gave the lowest formation of split ends.[29]


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