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Power Plant Engineering by GR Nagpal PDF Free 87: A Free Ebook Download for Power Plant Engg. Students

Power Plant Engineering by G.R. Nagpal: A Comprehensive Textbook for Diploma, Degree and A.M.I.E. Students

Power plant engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with the design, operation and maintenance of various types of power plants, such as thermal, hydro, nuclear and renewable energy sources. Power plant engineering is essential for meeting the growing demand for electricity and ensuring its reliability and efficiency.

One of the best textbooks for learning power plant engineering is Power Plant Engineering by G.R. Nagpal, published by Khanna Publishers. This book covers all the aspects of power plant engineering in a clear and concise manner, with numerous examples, diagrams, tables and solved problems. The book is suitable for diploma, degree and A.M.I.E. (Sec. B) students of many universities and institutes.

power plant engineering by gr nagpal pdf free 87

The book has 15 chapters that cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to power plants and their classification

  • Fuels and combustion

  • Boilers and boiler accessories

  • Steam turbines and condensers

  • Steam power plant cycles and performance

  • Gas turbines and combined cycle power plants

  • Diesel engines and diesel power plants

  • Hydroelectric power plants

  • Nuclear power plants

  • Solar power plants

  • Wind power plants

  • Geothermal power plants

  • Biomass power plants

  • Economics of power generation

  • Environmental aspects of power generation

The book has been revised and updated to suit the requirements of the students and to reflect the latest developments in the field of power plant engineering. The book also contains appendices that provide useful information on units, symbols, steam tables, gas tables, heat transfer coefficients, etc.

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The book is available as a free PDF download from various online sources[^1^] [^2^] [^3^]. However, it is recommended to buy the original book from Khanna Publishers[^4^] to support the author and to get the best quality print.

Power Plant Engineering by G.R. Nagpal is a must-read book for anyone who wants to learn about the principles and practices of power plant engineering. It is also a valuable reference book for practicing engineers and professionals in the field of power generation.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Power Plants and Their Classification

In this chapter, the author introduces the basic concepts and definitions of power plants and their classification. He explains the difference between power and energy, and the units of measurement for both. He also discusses the factors that affect the choice of a power plant, such as availability of fuel, location, load demand, cost, efficiency, reliability and environmental impact.

The author then describes the various types of power plants based on their energy sources, such as:

  • Thermal power plants: These use heat energy from combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) or biomass to produce steam that drives a turbine and a generator.

  • Hydroelectric power plants: These use potential energy of water stored in dams or reservoirs to drive a turbine and a generator.

  • Nuclear power plants: These use nuclear fission reactions of uranium or plutonium to produce heat that drives a steam turbine and a generator.

  • Solar power plants: These use solar radiation to heat a fluid or generate electricity directly using photovoltaic cells.

  • Wind power plants: These use kinetic energy of wind to drive a wind turbine and a generator.

  • Geothermal power plants: These use heat energy from the earth's crust to produce steam or hot water that drives a turbine and a generator.

  • Biomass power plants: These use organic matter (wood, crop residues, animal waste, etc.) to produce biogas or biofuel that drives a turbine and a generator.

The author also explains the advantages and disadvantages of each type of power plant, and gives some examples of their applications and locations in India and abroad.

The chapter ends with a summary of the main points and some review questions for self-assessment.


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